Thursday, June 30, 2005

القائمة السعودية الثالثة بالمطلوبين الإرهابيين !

لائحه جديدة لمطلوبين !

نعم ... أخيراً أعلنت وزارة الداخلية السعودية عن قائمة مطلوبين جديدة تضم قسمين ... أحدهم يتواجدون في داخل السعودية و القسم الأخر يتواجدون في خارج السعودية.. من بين المطلوبين الستة و الثلاثون .. منهم تشاديون و يمني و كويتي و مغربي يعتقد أنه هو القائد الحالي للقاعدة في السعودية حسب ماذكرت جريدة الشرق الأوسط.

الأخطر في الموضوع هو العناصر المختفية التابعة فكرياً و حركياً للقاعدة ... لكن الأهم هو الأفراد العاطفيين الذين يتأثرون بواقع العرب و المسلمين سواءً في العراق أو أفغانستان و بالتأكيد في فلسطين.. و نتيجة للإحتقان النفسي الذي يحصل لما يشاهد في التلفاز و يقرأ في الصحف .. و من قبل الأوضاع المعيشية و الإجتماعية التي تعيشها أغلب الدول العربية .. كل ذلك يساعد على خلق عناصر جديدة يمكن تجنيدها عملياً أو على الأقل فكرياً و تقوم هذه العناصر بالقيام بضرباتها في أوقات تحددها أو حسب ضروف الشحن النفسي
حقيقة الوضع في السعودية و سيطرت تيار فكري واحد .. يعترض على الحوار الوطني .. بل و يتهم من يطالب بالحوار مع الأخر بأنه يريد أن يغير المسميات الشرعية كما قال الشيخ الفوزان في رسالة لجريدة الوطن السعودية ... مثل هذه الأراء تمنع الناس عن التقكير و تحد من قدرة التغيير ... سواء من جهة الحكومة أو من جهة من يومنون بأفكار أكثر تحرراً و إيجابية.. لأن ثمن التعبير عن مثل تلك الأراء قد يكون على الأقل تكقير و تسفيه من قبل المحيطين بالشخص .. و قد يصل إلى حد القيام بالشكوى لدة المحاكم "العادلة" السعودية.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Are you Emotionally Intelligent ?

I spent the past two days attending a course on Emotional Intelligence (EQ). It was interesting.. not only coz I had some basic info about the topic and was able to relate to it.. but also coz I felt I will benefit out of it in business and as well at home!.

EQ is the title of a book by Daniel Goleman in 19987 .. it can be defined as the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships ...

it is expected to gain much more importance in the business in the future. It was said during the course that IQ is genetic and cannot be really improved. While EQ is something we can learn and improve on. EQ looks into two sorts of skills.. the intra-personal skills.. which are internal within on self.. the inter-personal skills .. which relate to the skills in dealing between two (or more) people. EQ consists of the following five points, which are:

  • Self-Awareness: where you have to first know your own self.. what are my strengths and weaknesses.
  • Emotion Management: After knowing your own self, work on your emotions .. monitor them.. control them.. the emotions you need to foster and utilize more either at work or home force yourself to utilize.. in the other hand, the emotions that you have to minimize or eliminate you got to work on yourself in order to really reduce them.
  • Self-Motivation: It is your ability to create the right environment to be able to work on the things you need to work on without waiting for others to either force you or either motivate you.
  • Relationship Management: A person with high EQ will be able to establish positive personal relationships with others.
  • Emotional Coaching: A person with high EQ is able to understand others, empathize with them and in the same time able to help them in improving their EQ.

For me, I really have problems with self-awareness, emotion management and emotional coaching. I already started working on monitoring my behavior while driving my car. I used to really swear and curse.. at least between me and myself!! .. I got to stop this.. and my tool is by being aware of the problem.. monitor my behavior, motivate and reward myself for good actions.. which are all related to my intra-personal skills!.

Another personality testing that I enjoyed and took more than once and the results were very consistent is the Myers Briggs Testing Indicator (MBTI). I have some more info about it in here … and my type is INFJ. I hope I will talk about it more in the future... and hope you enjoy knowing more about yourself as well!.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Shall We Dance?

Once again into movies...
I just watched the movie "Shall we dance?" ... with my wife .. here in Aramco's theater.. it was my first time there since the renovation of the theater.. it looked much better yet.. the sound was awful.. the movie was nice .. the thing I really got from it is the Question..
Ahmed.. what is the thing you really really wanna do .. yet you never did!
Something you feel you want to do with all of your heart !

Personally.. umm.. just worried if I start writing the things I wanna do .. I won't stop !:P

Seriously.. the two things I feel I want to do most ..
is to learn playing guitar ! .. I once tried.. I found it very difficult .. I stopped!
I still wanna do it.. I still have the two guitars in the closet ..

The second other thing I always felt I wanna do .. let me say since I graduated from university .. is to get a master's degree.. I started studying in KFUPM.. found it not practical .. was so theoretical and not worth the effort.. so I stopped after completing 3 courses.. Then on 2001 I was accepted to do my master's in Industrial Engineering in a university in Colorado, USA .. Yet, I changed my mind in the very last moment!

However, I am done so far with 7 out of 18 courses in the part time MBA in Bahrain-DePaul University program. I might give more details about this part of my life!.

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Yesterday myself and my wife watched the movie "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" in Bahrain .. as you might already know, there are no public cinema theaters in Saudi Arabia!!. The movie was nice .. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie started the movie and they made lots of gossip accordingly!! ..
I rate it in the B- range.. the movie talked about a couple who started facing problems in their marriage after 5 to 6 years of marriage!. Why?.. they used to live sort of separated life .. they don't know much about each other when they leave the house.. and once again.. Why?.. coz both are working as killers !!.. as the movie keeps going .. each one of them tries to kill the other!
It was fun!

However, this post is not really about the movie... it is about privacy?
This movie couple kept their jobs hidden from each other.. I was asking myself.. can that be done? and more important .. is it right?
How much shall I keep hidden from my wife?
In fact, I had a serious problem with my wife .. coz of a privacy problem !
She checked my mobile messages.. and that lead to some miss understanding.. etc.. etc !
So once again .. what are the limits?

Personally, I believe I shall have my own space .. and have some stuff that I might not tell her.. or tell even anyone .. as long as they are not directly related to her or could cause her any sort of harm !
I believe it is difficult.. but it is important.. unless a couple really have a real trusting relationship .. what would they really have or share?
It is also difficult because we are not used here a lot to the concept of individualism .. we live as a group.. family .. friends.. tribe.. etc ! and it is rare that your own personal things are respected.. you could be accessible by anyone .. and for sure by those close to you!
What makes this issue worse is that in my personal experience, it is rare that you find someone who confronts your mistakes so you either fix them or tell him “Go to Hell!!”

Friday, June 24, 2005

روح رياضية... عربية؟

أقيم الليلة في صفاقس التونسية مباراة الذهاب في الدور النهائي لبطولة دوري أبطال العرب بين فريقي الإتحاد السعودي و مضيفة الصفاقسي التونسي.. إنتهت المباراة بفوز الفريق السعودي بهدفين دون مقابل في إنتظار النهائي الذي سيقام في مدينة جدة الجمعة المقبلة. المباراة ليست الحدث.. الحدث هو في طرد لاعبين من فريق الصفاقسي التونسي أحدهما بسبب إعتداء من غير كرة على لاعب إتحاد جدة .. و بعد ذلك إنطلقت شرارة أحداث غير رياضية أبطالها غالبية لاعبي الصفاقسي بالإضافة إلى الجمهور التونسي الذي رشق الملعب بقوارير المياة التي أصابت إحداها لاعب فريق إتحاد جده
إلى متى تستمر مثل هذه الأحداث في بطولاتنا العربية؟
ليست الحادثة الأولى... ولا يبدوا أنها ستكون الأخيرة؟
أين الخلل؟
في مستوى اللأعبين و الجمهور و نوعيتهم؟ في المجاملات التي يعيش عليها الإتحاد العربي لكرة القدم؟
أم أن الحقيقة تكمن في حقيقة العلاقة بين العرب ... في المشرق و المغرب؟ و أنها في الواقع لا تمثل الحلم العربي و الأخوة العربية المزعومة؟ يبدوا أننا نقبل الهزيمة المرة من الأخر لكن من العربي الأخر.. المفترض أننا إخوه.. أليس كذلك؟

Just Starting

It is me here .. along with others who try to share their own thoughts with the rest of you.. the world!
I thought of blogging for a while.. but since I konw that I am a lazy guy .. I hesitated... I hope I will be regular in updating my blog.. Otherwise, I guess it will die !

I am from Saudi Arabia .. waiting for my first baby .. my little princesses ! :)
if you have any suggestion for an Arabic name, please do.

I'll write more soon ..

btw.. this blog will be a mix of Arabic and English .. whatever I feel better expressing ME!.
